Vinyl Replacement Window

Last post we discussed a technical aspect of vinyl vinyl replacement windows. Welded corners vs. mechanical corners.

This time we discuss getting a great price on home replacement windows.

How come finding the best price replacement windows can seem like solving a Rubik’s cube while juggling? Before you say no one can solve a Rubik’s cube while juggling check of the video at the bottom of the page.

Of course we all want to get a great price on new windows for home but in order to get the best price you are going to have to do a little research.

Now I have measured, installed, sold and bought a countless amount of windows in my 18 years and remodeling. So I’m going to layout simply what I would say if I was giving advice to a friend.

First you need to know what type of window is best for your home. Now if are looking get the best price on your replacement windows in most cases you’re going to want to go with a vinyl replacement window. They are the most economical choice when it comes to window replacement.

Second you’re going to want to get the at least the minimum options that make the window energy Star qualified. These are things like low-e and argon. If this sounds like something from a comic book just check out this other article detailing what makes a window energy efficient.

Third you MUST to get a MINIMUM of 3 quotes. that make sure that you are comparing apples to apples in those quotes. Window salesmen love to push whatever is most beneficial for them and you could have several quotes pricing different types of replacement windows for you. This is why it is important to know what type you want before the appointment.

Now if you don’t know who to call I would first ask friends and family. Also coworkers and see if anyone’s had windows installed for them lately. Find out who they used to get the recommendation or non-recommendation. The biggest window companies in your area are not always going to have the best price replacement windows.

Another option is using a free online service with contacts to local window installers in your area. These window companies are eager to please because they want to continue to receive referrals from online potential customers.

Here is a link “Get 3 Free Window Estimates In 20 Seconds” to a free online service which will provide you with three window quotes from installers in your area.


Here is the video of Sir Ravi “The Rubik’s Cube Sloving Juggler” pretty cool…

Ahhh The stresses of college life!!!!! :-)

I did an article that explains why it takes some work to find great prices from window installation companies. They are not just going to offer up the best priced windows right off the bat.

New Website Exposes Scams On Replacement Window Quotes – Newswire (press release)
“New Website Exposes Scams On Replacement Window QuotesNewswire (press release)Everybody knows that purchasing replacement windows is a great way to cut down on energy costs. But with many options available replacement window quotes can be quite confusing. wants to keep YOU from getting …”

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Pretty neat, right. Also include pictures if you have them this really help us to best serve you in our answers to your question.

Next Time

We talk about overcoming the challenges of buying replacement windows online.

by Brian Kiernan

Educating homeowners on replacement windows and providing simple information to get them a great product at a great price done quickly by a reputable window pro.

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