
My name is Brian Kiernan and I am a builder/contractor from New England. One of my biggest mistakes early in my construction career was not asking questions. I could only begin to imagine how many thousands of dollars that cost me. Nowadays that has changed, I always ask questions. This always clears up any doubts that I have about what I am expecting from my employees, vendors or customers.

So if you learn nothing else here about buying replacement windows, it’s ask plenty of question and, oh yeah, get it in writing. But I know I can help you out a lot more, so if you have any questions about replacement windows from features, reasonable cost, styles, how to install or measure DO NOT HESITATE to ask I will be glad to help you.

Please fill out the form below with your question and I will get back to you shortly. If you have questions on measuring or installation there is a place to attach photos which will help tremendously in assisting you.




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